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ADAM单词表0491-0500(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

(中文翻译: 很多句子构造中英文很大差异, 这里是着重解释英文每一个字, 所以翻译是逐个字来翻译, 不着重中文的通顺)(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)

【学习步骤: (1) 英文单词在紧接片语什么意思? (2) 从中文句子塑造语境, 用英文表达并背熟英文句子; (3) 反复温习】

stab someone in the back (he stabs me in the back) (ph.) 把我从背后暗算(他把我从背后暗算) 他说: “若是他把我从背后暗算, 我将会把他彻底摧毁.”He said: “If he stabs me in the back, I’ll blow him out of the water.”

undoing (smoking was his undoing) (n.) 毁灭原因(吸烟是他毁灭原因)吸烟是他毁灭原因使他付出生命为代价Smoking was his undoing that cost him his life.

dice (peeled the mango diced the flesh) (v.) 切成丁(把芒果剥掉皮, 把果肉切成丁)我把芒果剥掉皮,把果肉切成丁,并把果核扔掉了I peeled the mango, diced the flesh, and threw away the pit.

previous (previous day) (adj.) 前的(前的一天)他说: “我极端后悔在宣布以前一天收市价百分之六十额外价提议收购公司的前的一天卖掉那只股票.”He said: “I’m kicking myself for selling the stock one day before the announcement of a takeover offer to buy the company at a 60% premium over the previous day’s closing price.”

eradicate (eradicate competition) (v.) 摧毁(摧毁竞争对手)这国际零售巨大势力团体不论它到哪里都把竞争对手摧毁This international retail powerhouse eradicates competition wherever it goes.

murderer (death penalty be imposed on murderer) (n.) 杀人犯(死刑加于杀人犯)陪审团相信以牙还牙是适当的惩罚建议死刑加于被宣判有罪的杀人犯The jury believed an eye for an eye was a fitting punishment and recommended death penalty be imposed on the convicted murderer.

otherwise (downfall of this otherwise successful company) (adv.) 不然是(这不然是成功公司的失败)把没有才干的亲戚和好友指派在关键的行政人员职位是这一间不然是非常成功公司的祸害.Assigning inept relatives and cronies to key executive posts is the nemesis of this otherwise hugely successful company.

worn-out (this worn-out joke is no longer funny) (adj.) 陈腐的(这个陈腐的笑话再不是好笑)他一遍又一遍地讲这个陈腐的笑话,那现在再不是好笑He has told this worn-out joke over and over again and it is no longer funny.

meal (full-course meals) (n.) (正餐)这条路边小餐馆供应生啤酒和正餐, 除其他外This roadside restaurant serves draft beer and full-course meals, among others.

knockout blow (knockout blow to its major competitor) (n.) 致命一击(对它的主要竞争对手的致命一击)这公司展露出它的新高科技产品系列, 那证实是对它的主要竞争对手的致命一击This company unveiled its new line of high-tech products that proved to be the knockout blow to its major competitor.

total (car was totaled in a head-on collision) (v.) 完全毁坏(汽车在一宗迎头撞车中完全毁坏)他的汽车昨天在一宗迎头撞车中完全毁坏His car was totaled in a head-on collision yesterday.

bring to mind (vintage dress brings to mind the good old days) (ph.) 使我回想起(古老衣服使我回想起旧日美好的日子)她说: “这一件古老衣服使我回想起旧日美好的日子.”She said: “This vintage dress brings to mind the good old days.”

pithy (pithy responses are impressive) (adj.) 简洁到题(简洁到题的回应令人有深刻的良好印象)她简洁到题的回应令人有深刻的良好印象Her pithy responses are impressive.

answer (answers challenges and excels) (v.) 作出回应(对挑战作出回应并表现超卓)这高管对挑战作出回应并表现超卓This executive answers challenges and excels.

detached (my house is a detached building) (adj.) 独立(我的住所是一所独立建筑物)他说: “我简陋不起眼的住所是一所两层楼独立建筑物位于一小块地在北京的郊区.”He said: “My unassuming house is a two-storied detached building on a small lot in the suburb of Beijing.”

black (company returning to the black) (n.) (公司扭亏为盈) 这家负债累累、管理不善的公司在扭亏为盈之前曾险些破产This debt-ridden and poorly managed company had a near-brush with bankruptcy before returning to the black.

attack (subject to verbal attacks) (n.) 攻击(受到口头攻击)一个公众人物总是受到反对者的口头攻击,不论他如何好好地行事A public figure is always subject to verbal attacks of naysayers no matter how well he conducts himself.

takeover (takeover transaction) (n.) 收购(收购交易) 律师仔细阅读成堆与收购交易相关的法律文件Lawyers perused reams of legal documents relating to the takeover transaction.

tell on (conspirator told on his accomplices) (ph. v.) 告发(阴谋者告发他的同谋)皇帝承诺如果阴谋者告发他的同谋他就会免罪,但后来食言处决了他和其他参与叛变密谋推翻他的人The emperor promised impunity if the conspirator told on his accomplices, but later reneged and executed him and others involved in the treachery plotted to overthrow him.

prom (lovely in her prom dress) (n.) 毕业舞会(穿着毕业舞会礼服可爱)这个十几岁的女孩穿着毕业舞会礼服就像花一样可爱This teenage girl was as lovely as a flower in her prom dress.

offender (repeat offender in street racing) (n.) 违法者(街上赛车的重复违法者)在新的法例下一个街上赛车的重复违法者, 加在上面其他的处罚, 被迫看着他宝贵的跑车被液压的压缩机器压碎为一个薄煎饼般平Under the new law, a repeat offender in street racing would, besides other penalties, be forced to watch his prized racer being crushed flat as a pancake by a hydraulic compactor.

bury (bury you if you disagree) (v.) 彻底毁灭(如果你不同意将会彻底毁灭你)他说: “如果你跟这公司的管理人员不同意他们将会彻底毁灭你.”He said: “The management of this company will bury you if you disagree with them.”

manage (manages to get its finances in order) (v.) 做到(做到把它的财政整理妥当)除非政府能做到把它的财政整理妥当, 要不然比对美金的挂钩固定汇率可能会面临困难Unless the government manages to get its finances in order, otherwise the peg to the U.S. dollar could be under threat.

once (once-lucrative market for gas-guzzlers) (adv.) 曾是(大量耗油车辆之曾是赚钱市场)例如卡车, 越野车和豪华轿车之大量耗油车辆之曾是赚钱市场被天一般高的汽油价格毁坏The once-lucrative market for gas-guzzlers such as trucks, SUVs and luxury sedans, has been decimated by sky-high gasoline prices.

on stream (additional electricity capacity coming on stream) (ph.) 运作(加多的电容量来到运作)当加多的电容量来到运作时这城市的居民可以确保这个暑天一定不会有电力供应短缺With additional electricity capacity coming on stream, the residents of this city can rest assured that there will be no shortage of power supply this summer.

series (television series’ storyline) (n.) 连续剧(电视连续剧的故事情节)这部电视连续剧的故事情节正在逐渐发展成一个激烈的高潮The television series’ storyline is building up to a dramatic climax.

satisfaction (customers’ total satisfaction) (n.) 满意(顾客的完全满意) 他说: “我们公司的优质产品, 留意细节, 新颖设计, 最新科技, 可靠服务, 快捷送货, 和具竞争力的价钱保证我们顾客的完全满意.”He said: “Our company’s quality products, attention to detail, novelty design, cutting-edge technology, reliable services, prompt delivery, and competitive prices will guarantee our customers’ total satisfaction.”

pattern (in a set pattern) (n.) 模式(按照固定的模式)我按照固定的模式处理每天的家务I go about my everyday chores in a set pattern.

overprotected (overprotected children) (adj.) 过分保护(过分保护孩子)很多过分纵容, 过分满足和过分保护的孩子长大有应对困境和情绪的困难Many overindulged, over-gratified and overprotected children grow up with coping and emotional difficulties.

enhancement (breast enhancement) (n.) (隆胸)很多女人错误地认为隆胸赋予力量的感觉较结果的健康危险更有价值Many women mistakenly think the sense of empowerment from breast enhancement outweighs the resulting health risk.

realistic (realistic business plan) (adj.) 实际的(实际的商业计划)在没有一个实际的商业计划他致富风险业务注定是毁灭Without a realistic business plan, his get-rich venture is destined to crash and burn.

blow the whistle on someone (blow the whistle on you and you’re going up in flames) (ph.) 告发(告发你而你将会彻底毁灭)那恼怒的前任员工对刚辞退他的经理说: “我将会告发你, 而你将会彻底毁灭.”The disgruntled ex-employee told the manager that just fired him: “I’m going to blow the whistle on you, and you’re going up in flames.”

mudslinging (mudslinging tactic to edge opponents in the poll) (n.) 毁谤(毁谤战略来在民意测验占对手上风)在这一年的选举恶意毁谤成为有效战略来在民意测验占对手上风In this year’s election, nasty mudslinging has become an effective tactic to edge opponents in the poll.

carve (name was carved on a slab of rock) (v.) 刻在(名字刻在平滑一块石头)山岳的名字是刻在被风雨侵蚀的平滑一块石头于山麓小丘的人走出来小道旁边突出来The name of the mountain was carved on a slab of weathered rock jutting out beside a trail at the foothill.

abnormally (temperature is abnormally high) (adv.) 异常地(异常地高的温度)在40摄氏度在这里年中的时候是异常地高的温度At 40 degrees Celsius, the temperature is abnormally high at this time of the year here.

guidance (parental guidance) (n.) 引导(父母的引导)在孩子们成为成年的过渡阶段父母的引导是重要Parental guidance is important in children’s transition into adulthood.

deeply (I’m deeply apologetic) (adv.) 深深的(我感到深深的抱歉) 他在电子邮件写道: “我对我不能够及时从香港回来去你的婚礼感到深深的抱歉.”He wrote in the email: “I’m deeply apologetic that I couldn’t make it back in time from Hong Kong for your wedding.”

bashful (bashful little girl) (adj.) 害羞的(害羞的小女孩)这个害羞的小女孩有一把可以令你惊讶的唱歌声音This bashful little girl has a singing voice that can astonish you.

sworn (sworn bachelor) (adj.) 坚持不二(坚持不二单身汉)这位坚持不二的单身汉最后还是惊慌地决定结婚了他的梦中情人This sworn bachelor finally took the plunge and got married to a girl of his dreams.

hump (car went over a hump) (n.) 突起处(汽车在一个突起处上面走过)当他的汽车在路上一个突起处上面走过时它的排气管被撕裂了His car’s tailpipe was torn off when it went over a hump on the road.

stick out (stuck out his big tummy) (ph. v.) 挺起(挺起他的大肚子)一个雪人挺起他的大肚子并且顽皮地说: “我就是冬天.”A snowman stuck out his big tummy and said naughtily: “I am winter.”

wrong (it’s wrong to lie) (adj.) 不对(撒谎是不对)普通来说撒谎是不对但有时你要某程度上撒小谎者来达到目的不会冒犯他人Generally it’s wrong to lie, but sometimes you have to be somewhat of a fibber in order not to offend others.

two can play at that game (he lied first, and two can play at that game) (ph.) 以其人之道还以其人之身(他先撒谎, 这是以其人之道还以其人之身)她说: “你对他撒谎.”他说: “他先撒谎, 这是以其人之道还以其人之身”She said: “You lied to him.” He said: “He lied first, and two can play at that game.”

the benefit of the doubt (I give my subordinates the benefit of the doubt) (ph.) 姑且信任存心(我对手下姑且信任存心)他说: “身为经理我对手下姑且信任存心他们在进行业务时他们有最好的用心.”He said: “As a manager, I give my subordinates the benefit of the doubt that they have the best of intentions in conducting business.”

band (a band of drug traffickers) (n.) 一群(一群毒品贩卖者)当执行法律人员发现一群他们试图拦截的毒品贩卖者装备重型武器大吃一惊。Law enforcement agents were taken by surprise when they found a band of drug traffickers that they tried to intercept was heavily armed.

trip (return from the trip) (n.) 旅行(回来旅行)他在给经理的一封电子邮件中说:“ 安排已经做好等你旅行回来的时候在机场接载你。”He said in an email to his manager: “Arrangements have been made to pick you up at the airport when you return from your trip.”

initially (initially, I hesitated to try sushi) (adv.) 最初(最初我犹疑不决尝试寿司)寿司是培养出来的口味. 最初我犹疑不决尝试它,但第一口后我爱上了这日本的美食。Sushi is an acquired taste. Initially, I hesitated to try it. But I fall in love with this Japanese delicacy after the first bite.

meet (coming for a sports meet) (n.) (走来运动会)这市镇因运动会有大批涌入游客走来, 卖冒牌名牌商品唯利是图的商贩如雨后蘑菇般冒出来With an influx of tourists coming to this town for a sports meet, fly-by-night operators selling knockoff designer goods sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

nothing to it (there is nothing to it) (ph.) 很容易的(很容易的)她问道: “你的新工作怎么样?” 他说: “开始是很困难, 但我一旦学会技巧是很容易的.”She asked: “How’s the new job?” He said: “It was tough at the beginning, but once I get the hang of it, there is nothing to it.”

lie through someone’s teeth (lie through his teeth to pull a scam) (ph.) 厚颜毫无羞耻地撒谎(厚颜毫无羞耻地撒谎来欺诈地做出诈骗)他说: “我知道他没有道德顾忌能够厚颜毫无羞耻地撒谎来欺诈地做出诈骗.”He said: “I know he has no moral scruples and can lie through his teeth to pull a scam.”

unfriend (girlfriend and I unfriended each other in all the social media) (v.) 解除了友谊(我和女友在所有社交媒体上都解除了友谊)他说: “我和女友吵了一大架, 我们在所有社交媒体上都解除了友谊。”He said: “My girlfriend and I had a big fight, and we unfriended each other in all the social media.”

best of all (best of all, you get to meet new friends) (ph.) 最重要的(最重要的是你可以认识新朋友)志愿者工作给你提供了一个帮助别人的机会, 最重要的是你可以认识新朋友Volunteer work provides you with an opportunity to help others. Best of all, you get to meet new friends.

desert (fair-weather friends deserted him) (v.) 抛弃(酒肉朋友抛弃了他)他一旦破产,他所有的酒肉朋友都抛弃了他Once he went broke, all his fair-weather friends deserted him.

betrayal (betrayal with another woman) (n.) 背叛(跟了别一个女人的背叛)他跟了别一个女人的背叛对他的妻子来说还是创伤犹新His betrayal with another woman is still a fresh wound to his wife.

exude (exude an air of confidence) (v.) 散发出(散发出自信的气质)这位首席执行官散发出自信、权威和优雅的气质This CEO exudes an air of confidence, authority and elegance.

get one down (Christmas always got me down) (ph.) 感到惆怅(圣诞节时常使我感到惆怅)当我独自一个人在海外上大学时, 圣诞节和新年时常使我感到惆怅When I was alone in college overseas, Christmas and New Year’s Day always got me down.

obvious (obvious from your expression) (adj.) 很明显(很明显从你的表情)他说: “很明显从你流露内心的表情你对那个漂亮女孩子有兴趣.”He said: “It was obvious from your telling expression that you were interested in that gorgeous girl.”

late (late grandfather) (adj.) 已故的(已故的祖父)好像就在昨天,我已故的祖父还坐在这把扶手椅上抽着烟斗It seems it was only yesterday that my late grandfather was sitting on this armchair smoking a pipe.

impossible (accumulate an impossible debt) (adj.) 不能克服的(累积了不能克服的债项)他累积了不能克服的债项, 唯一方法能够以没有旧日污点记录重新开始生命是经由破产程序He has accumulated an impossible debt, and the only way to restart his life with a clean slate is through bankruptcy proceedings.

generally (generally, I don’t date a divorcé) (adv.) 一般来说(一般来说我不跟离婚男人约会)那出纳员说: “一般来说我不跟离婚男人约会,但在你的情况我会做一个例外.”The cashier said: “Generally I don’t date a divorcé. But in your case, I could make an exception.”

mafia (mafia boss told his gang members nobody could double-cross him) (n.) 黑手党(黑手党头子告诉他的党羽没有人能够背叛他)那黑手党头子告诉他的党羽没有人能够背叛他并生存着来谈及它The mafia boss told his gang members that nobody could double-cross him and live to tell about it.

live up to (live up to their marriage vows) (ph. v.) 履行(履行他们的婚姻誓言)现在很少有夫妻履行他们的婚姻誓言逗留在一起,互相照顾,好坏与共Nowadays few couples live up to their marriage vows to stay together and care for each other for better or worse.

espionage (espionage to get a competitive edge) (n.) 间谍行动(间谍行动来取得竞争优势)现今的商业世界有间谍行动发生来取得竞争优势There is espionage going on in today’s business world to get a competitive edge.

concussion (serious concussion suffered in a game) (n.) 脑震荡(严重的脑震荡遭受于一场比赛)一个严重的脑震荡遭受于一场比赛摧毁了那容易受伤棒球球员的职业生涯A serious concussion suffered in a game annihilated the professional career of the injury-prone baseball player.

rush (rushed in an ambulance to a hospital) (v.) 急速载送(被救护车急速载送到医院)这名严重受伤的车祸受害者被救护车急速载送到一间当地医院的急救病房The seriously injured auto accident victim was rushed in an ambulance to a local hospital’s emergency ward.

wipeout (a wipeout score of 7:0) (n.) 大败的(大败的7:0的比数)我们的球队被同组的首要对手以7:0的大败的比数被彻底打败Our team was annihilated by the division arch rival for a wipeout score of 7:0.

book-smart (book-smart youth) (adj.) 书本智慧(书本智慧的年轻人) 这名有书本智慧和街头智慧的年轻人有优秀的能力证明,包括常春藤盟校的学位和多年的高管经验This youth, who is both book-smart and street-smart, has sterling credentials which include an Ivy League degree and years of executive experience.

out-of-court (the two sides settled out-of-court) (adj.) 庭外和解(双方解决了庭外和解)最后, 双方以没有揭露的金额解决了庭外和解At last, the two sides settled out-of-court for an undisclosed amount.

take it easy (take it easy! I was only pulling your leg) (ph.) 不用紧张(不用紧张我只是跟你开玩笑)他说: “你说我的年纪够大做我女朋友的父亲了,这一点都不好笑.” 她说: “不用紧张!我只是跟你开玩笑,并无恶意。”He said, “It was not funny that you said I was old enough to be my girlfriend’s father?” She said, Take it easy! I was only pulling your leg, and I mean no harm.”

wealth (number 8 promises wealth and fortune) (n.) 财富(8的数字预示着财富和财运)许多中国人认为8是一个吉利的数字预示着财富和财运Many Chinese believe 8 is an auspicious number which promises wealth and fortune.

sibling (sibling rivalry between children) (n.) 手足(孩子之间的手足争斗)家庭里三个孩子之间的手足争斗把屋子弄得一团糟Sibling rivalry between the three children in the family has turned the house upside down.

rough (a rough neighborhood) (adj.) 暴力遍布(一个暴力遍布的邻近地区)母亲对老师解释说: “我的儿子在一个暴力遍布的邻近地区跟更年长的孩子交往, 我抱歉他用粗言秽语.”The mother explained to the teacher: “My son hangs out with older kids in a rough neighborhood, and I’m sorry he uses foul language.”

psychopathic (foul-mouthed, psychopathic, despicable executive) (adj.) 神经病(粗言秽语, 神经病 , 可鄙的高管)他是个应属于建筑地盘而不是角落办公室的粗言秽语, 神经病, 可鄙, 和讨厌的高管He’s a foul-mouthed, psychopathic, despicable, and annoying executive who should belong to a construction site and not a corner office.

rapper (rapper’s profanity-laced lyrics) (n.) 说唱家(说唱家的带有污言秽语歌词)这说唱家的带有污言秽语歌词藐视女人和赞扬暴力This rapper’s profanity-laced lyrics denigrate women and glorify violence.

hazard (health hazards) (n.) 风险(健康风险)这名赌博成瘾者面临着经济崩溃、健康风险和婚姻破裂This gambling addict faces financial ruin, health hazards and marriage breakup.

scatter (lay scattered all over the scene) (v.) 四散(到处四散躺在地上) 伤残的躯体和切断的四肢在屠杀的场地到处四散躺在地上Mangled bodies and amputated limbs lay scattered all over the massacre scene.

mutilate (mutilated bodies) (n.) 伤残的(伤残的躯体) 伤残的躯体和切断的四肢在屠杀的场地到处四散躺在地上Mutilated bodies and amputated limbs lay scattered all over the massacre scene.

convict (convicted murderer) (v.) 被宣判有罪的(宣判有罪的杀人犯)陪审团相信以牙还牙是适当的惩罚建议死刑加于被宣判有罪的杀人犯The jury believed an eye for an eye was a fitting punishment and recommended death penalty be imposed on the convicted murderer.

despise (despise lazy husbands) (v.) 鄙视(鄙视懒惰的丈夫)他说: “我鄙视靠他们妻子吃饭懒惰的的丈夫”He said, “I despise lazy husbands who live off their wives.”

request (request extra blankets) (v.) 要求(要求额外的毯子)他到旅馆前台去要求额外的毯子。He went to the hotel front desk to request extra blankets.

well aware (well aware to draw a veil over issues that may offend host country) (ph.) 深明(深明圆滑地抑制提及议题可能会冒犯东道国家)一个有经验的外交官深明去圆滑地抑制提及议题可能会冒犯东道国家的对道德问题的敏感性A seasoned diplomat is well aware to draw a veil over issues that may offend the host country’s sensibilities [note: not “sensibility”].

cigarette (smoking cigarettes) (n.) (吸烟)小孩子应知道吸烟, 用毒品, 和口吐污言秽语绝对不是酷Kids should know that smoking cigarettes, using drugs, and spewing obscenity are simply not cool.

fashion show (fashion show is an annual event) (n. ph.) 时装表演(时装表演是一年一次盛会) 在这个城市举办的国际时装表演是一年一次盛会The international fashion show held in this city is an annual event.

handbook (handbook is bible for electricians) (n.) 手册(手册是电工的权威著作)这手册是电工的权威著作This handbook is the bible for electricians.

resale market (ticket prices in the resale market) (n. ph.) 转售市场(入场票价格在转售市场) 阿黛尔演唱会的入场票价格在转售市场已经飙升至天价Admission ticket prices to Adele’s concert in the resale market have rocketed sky-high.

clash (rocky relationship from clashes) (n.) 争执(从困难的关系的争执) 那个新领事需要修补跟东道国家一个困难的关系从过去的争执.The new ambassador needs to patch a rocky relationship with the host country from clashes in the past.

chant (chanting her name) (v.) 叫喊(叫喊她的名字)她超卓的演出留下群众起立鼓掌和叫喊她的名字Her brilliant performance left the crowd on their feet applauding and chanting her name.

drug (drug traffickers) (n.) 毒品(毒品贩卖者)当执行法律人员发现一群他们试图拦截的毒品贩卖者装备重型武器大吃一惊。Law enforcement agents were taken by surprise when they found a band of drug traffickers that they tried to intercept was heavily armed.

management (management is in a chaotic state) (n.) 管理(管理是在混乱不堪的情况)这家公司的总裁总是心血来潮地做企业的决定, 不会预料不到公司的管理是在混乱不堪的情况。The president of this company makes corporate decisions on a whim, and it’s no wonder management of the business is in a chaotic state.

extravagant (extravagant spender) (adj.) 大手(大手花钱者)他说: “当我有一份薪水不错的工作时,我是个大手花钱者。但是现在我失业了,我变得要节约开支。”He said, “I was an extravagant spender when I had a well-paying job. But now that I am unemployed, I become money-conscious.”

LGBTQ (refuse treatment of LGBT patients) (ph.) 性少数群体(拒绝治疗性少数群体病人)在美国的一些州,法律允许医疗服务提供者出于宗教原因拒绝治疗LGBT(女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者、质疑者)病人。In some US states, health care providers are allowed under the laws to refuse treatment of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning persons or community) patients for religious reasons.

Bible (Bible lays out how Catholics should conduct their lives) (n.) 圣经(圣经列出天主教徒生活应该如何行事)圣经列出天主教徒在这个世界上生活应该如何行事The Bible lays out how Catholics should conduct their lives in this world.

bigot (threats played up by bigots) (n.) 偏执者(偏执者夸大的威胁)偏执者夸大的威胁导致种族的斗争Threats played up by bigots attribute to racial strife.

discriminate (discriminated against because of their race) (v.) 歧视(因种族而受到歧视)人们因种族、性别、性取向、宗教或残疾而受到歧视People are discriminated against because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.

roomy (cabin is roomy) (adj.) 宽敞(小屋是宽敞) 这个高天花板的湖边小屋是通风和宽敞This high-ceiling lakeside cabin is airy and roomy.

right (human rights) (n.) 权利(人类权利)这政客的对动物权利超越人类权利没有恶意的评语激发公众对这议题的争论This politician’s innocent remark on animal rights above human rights has sparked public controversy on the issue.

comprehensible (argument in a comprehensible manner) (adj.) 能够被明白(能够被明白方式的辩驳)这个小男孩子能够以清晰言词说出合逻辑, 紧凑, 精简, 能够被明白, 和有说服力之方式的辩驳.This little boy can articulate an argument in a logical, cohesive, brief, comprehensible and compelling manner.

downfall (downfall of this company) (n.) 失败(这公司的失败)把没有才干的亲戚和好友指派在关键的行政人员职位是这一间不然是非常成功公司的失败.Assigning inept relatives and cronies to key executive posts is the downfall of this otherwise hugely successful company.

woman (loose women) (n.) 女人(滥交女人) 婚姻已经把他驯化为住家男人,他已经戒掉无节制地喝酒,狂野派对,和滥交女人交往。Marriage has domesticated him, and he has quit binge drinking, wild parties and associating with loose women.

trade (trade embargo) (n.) 贸易(贸易禁运)在国际上,同类型的回应似乎适合不合理的贸易禁运Internationally, a response in kind seems appropriate for unjustified trade embargo.

详细解释学习方法: 1. 看英文单词,看随着单词的片语,看知不知道单词什么意思。 2. 不知道的,便看看在同一行稍后的中文了解单词和片语是什么意思。 3. 看下面的中文句子,塑造出语境,想象英文怎么说;第一两次不懂的,反复以中文句子为提示,塑造语境,背熟英文句子。 主要是不要求你知道那个单词所有的意思,而是在这片语语境的意思是什么。并且用中文句子为提示,塑造出包括那单词的语境,懂得用地道英语表达。 熟练后便容易运用的。

(看: ADAM单词表引言: 学习方法和符号解释






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